Today is the first day of school in 2017. A happy come back after a long stretch of year-end holiday.
As the years before, I set out from house at 6.45am. Reach school happily at 7.15am. With a bright smile, anxiously waiting to set foot at my new place in the Staff Room. I sat at the back of the room last year, but moved to the middle section of the room. Yay!!
Many parents came for registration purposes with the HM while other teachers were instructed to the other building for cleaning & painting purposes. We white wash the walls until 11am.
Then Tqah, Zati and I went down for our break. We ate at Kak Aishah's restaurant. Out of nowhere, Pakcik came to join. See what I mean?? I tried getting him out of my life, but he seem to get even closer. Haishh..
Upon payment, we set back for the office. On the way back, I received a text from my employer, wanting me to be in the office immediately. So there I was, sitting in her office. But somehow, my heart was beating fast and it was freezing cold in her office! I felt very uneasy. Something was not right!
My employer requested me to sign the Appointment Letter. Since we are employed on a contract basis, therefore our contracts are renewed annually. After signing the document, my employer began a serious talk with me. 😟😟
Questioning me about all the SADNESS that was occupying the school. Asking me about my BEHAVIOUR or should I say my DISRESPECT to the HM. For heaven's sake, I was said to be over-ruling the HM's judgements and decisions. GOSHHH!! That was a total nonsense.
Pakcik & I was also suspected to be keeping the extra money from the School Trip last year, to ourselves. This is totally absurd!! That bitch HM was way out of mind telling nonsensical stories to the employer. And to make matters worst, she even mentioned that the School Trip balance was used to buy mugs for my 2016 Prefects. I strongly denied them to my employer. The gifts for prefects were all MY money. Why not from school?? That bitch said that the school does not have money to give certs to the prefects. As their Discipline Teacher, can also be considered as their mother, I felt very sad.
The whole year long, prefects had been kicking their butts out washing the toilets, sweeping the corridors, in-charge of the classes & throwing rubbish, but NO APPRECIATION at all!! FOR REAL?? I can't just watch, doing nothing! I'm responsible for them, so I have to give them something. And to my surprise, it became a huge issue!! What kind of mentality does the HM & employer have??
My employer also mentioned that in the Appointment Letter, there was a clause stating that there was a probation period. To my RUDE surprise, I was one of the three people who was under probation!! The other two are Tqah and Zati. SURPRISED?? From the same group of people. My heart was simply CRASHED!! My employer mentioned that she had high expectations on Tqah & I, but due to some 'rebellious' stuff that we did, we were put under probation period.
To make matters worse, the probation reports will be based on HM satisfactory towards us. NONSENSE!! That bitch won't be satisfied until we are terminated!! I had nothing more to say at that point of time. My employer wanted to know what my problems were, but I kept them silent.
One thing I said to my employer before I left the room. "Well, if you think I'm not fit to work here, it's ok to proceed with your actions." She tried consoling me and comforting me, but everything was too late. I've started crying. Yes, I CRIED in front of my employer. I can't stand the nonsense anymore!! My employer told me not to take it NEGATIVELY, but try to change.
To be frank, it is NOT me who have to change, but the BITCH HM!!! I thanked my employer before leaving the room. Wiped my tears dry before going out.
I guess the feeling will never be the same. I will have to go through my 3-months probation period, full of misery. I hope Allah will help me pull through. But if I have been fated to end my career as an educator, I have to put trust in Him. However, I will stand for my rights & meet face-to-face with my employer, and tell all the goofy & bogus stuffs that the HM had been doing.
I'm a person of my words. I say I'll do it, I mean it!! Mark my words, I smell trouble coming up~