Ha, Cha ni ada 5 siblings. Along nye (Muaz), ngangah nye (Asma'), adik 3 org- Ammar, Aina, Afdal. Parents nye keje TUDM. Cha dok d Subang Perdana, Shah Alam. Tp nye, yg best ttg family Cha ni, ms skool dulu, dorg siblings sume lain2 skool. Ntahle, org pon xtau npe.. [Sonox dgn family Cha.. Tmbh2 lg dgn ngangah nye.. Mcm2 criter ada.. Mcm ASTRO lak..]
Org knl Cha ms dia 1st time dtg jaga gerai time pasar malam under IKRAM. Pastu, ktorg harungi program by program sm2. [Org ni krenye, leh di kategorikan bkawan dgn adik2 la.. Hahaha.. Tp xkisahla..]
Cha.. Name yg slalu sgt dgr dipanggil dlm IKRAM. Sape dia?? Ni la bendahari IKRAM yg tol2 ada cir2 bendahari agung. Hohoho.. Xtipu la.. Betol pny citer. Spjg org bsm dgn IKRAM, rase2 nye d only person yg tol2 jg ttg kewangan IKRAM, Cha le.
Kalo jumpe Cha kat ne2 kawasan campus, senyum je kejenye.. [Bkn sbb skru longgar kat ne2, tp dia mmg pemurah dgn senyuman..] Cha asalnye xde le byk ckp sgt. Tp skrg ni, pantang jumpe.. Ada je cternye.. [Lebey kurang mcm ngangah nye gak le.. Huhuhu]
Facts about Cha (in my view) yg org lain kne tau:
1. Pendiam.. Tapi very observing..
2. She keeps her thoughts until she is needed to deliver them. [Unless she really cannot resist it anymore]
3. She is very secretive in every aspect.
4. Cha is a very good listener. [Secrets are safe with her]
5. Cha ni tak ramai kawan masa little dulu.. [Tp skrg ni, dah smpi x tlayan dah kwn2.. Bygkan betapa ramainye kwn2 dia..]
6. Cha ni sometimes dtg time penin2 dia, dia akn hilang jap. [Hilang in terms of ada di dunia dia sendiri.. Hahaha]
7. She is a person who appreciates other people's gifts.
8. She seldom tells or discuss her probs with others. [Probably she tries to solve them herself]
9. She is a caring person and loves her family very much.
10. Cha has d habit of sleeping with her spectacles on. [Konon2 la nak tdo kejap je.. Alih2 trus smpi belayar ke mn2 ntah.. Hahaha..]
Dear Cha,
Di kesempatan ini, kak nak take this opportunity nak say a thousand thank you for always being there for me. Always listening to my rintihan. Always listening to my non-sensical stories.
Kak didn't expect that I will be so deeply involved with your life. Kak seriously from the beginning tak terlintas lgsg yg kte akn jd sis. Ye la, awk pon mcm slalu sorg2 je.. Now I noe y.. It's just so u.. Huhuhu..
Kak juga nak minta maaf kerana kak dah banyak melukai perasaan awk, menyakiti aty awk, mengguris jiwa awk dan byk lg la. Kak still igt, saat ketara yg kak marah sgt2 kat awk. Ms tu awk, kak n Amin dtg SA (sblm batch A.Zaki convo). Awk pon blur2 ms bg direction, pe lg.. Kak pon naik antu la.. Sorry sgt2 coz kak dah meninggikan suare kat awk. Xde niat pon. Tp memandangkan kesesakan lalulintas at that time, dgn tension, stress sume2, kak pon dah tlps kemarahan kat awk.. Dat was d moment yg kak paling sgt igt. So, kak sgt2 lah minta maaf dpd adik kak yg sorg ni.
Mmg tlalu byk kesilapan kak kat adik2 kak. Esp yg sgt2 rapat dgn kak. Sume akn kne tempias marah2 kak ni. [Biasele.. Org dah tua ni mmg cpt sgt naik anginnye..]
Hopefully, Cha dpt maafkan kak n dgn izin Allah, hubungan kte akn bkekalan smpi ke akhirat. Insya'Allah..
Ikhlas tapi jauh (Ur Sis),
Kak Shaz


~*~*~*~*~*~ THE SISTERS - CHA N ME ~*~*~*~*~*~
Akak!! terharu kte.. huhu.. Ye, kte pun nk mtak maaf jgak ke akak.. pass is pass, kte pun xde terasa2 ni sume.. hoho.. thanks again.. ^-^